Sunday 13 October 2019

Decision/Selection Tool– Decision Roulette

This was my session with Year 1 Al-Farabi (1 AF) of Al Amin, Bukit Beruntung. We were doing a revision on Unit 3: Pet Show of the CEFR Super Minds syllabus. In this class, I used the Decision Roulette app to improve engagement and participation in learning. In the video, students were asked to recap the animals they have learnt. The first student was selected by the teacher. after answering correctly, he will be given a chance to spin the wheel in order to pick another student using the app. The list of the students' names can be prepared beforehand.

I love this app because it can help me in making decisions without feeling guilty. Well... sometimes it is hard to choose from so many choices, so I just leave it to the app and it can settle disputes and arguments. :) :) :)

I don’t need to spend time and papers to write names. It can be used for picking up a winner and my students think it’s a ‘fair’ app. Normally, I was the one who spin the wheel, but this time I let the students do it as a reward for those who can answer my question correctly.

I use this app in my class since 2018. It is fun and easy to use, works reliably so far, customisable and of course free!

A rather small issue is that sometime the same choice is spun 2 or 3 times in a row. For improvements, I think maybe there should be a setting that we can specify to allow each option to only be spun once. Once the choice is landed on, it should be eliminated/ removed from the wheel. Another one is that maybe a hold-up button should be provided to keep the roulette spinning for a longer time as needed, for more excitement for the students.

Next, I plan to try to use the graphic elements in this roulette app to add excitement to my class.
Decision roulette can trigger the students to love education more!
Alternative Apps: Random Generator, Lucky Roulette, Decide Now!,  DecisionBuddy, Decidr, Tiny Decisions


  1. Pengisian yang sangat menarik. Lepas ni boleh la saya gunakan di dalam sesi pengajaran dan pembelajaran kelas saya. Terima kasih banyak atas info ni.

  2. Terima kasih. Sebenarnya banyak app yang kita boleh gunakan dgn anak2 didik kita. Mereka akan lebih excited nk belajar...
